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Able 卒業生の真ちゃんが、帰国して開業したレストラン「ふじ心」の手打ちうどんは、一度食べたら病みつきになりました。彼に弟子入りしたかったのですが、幸か不幸か体重が・・・(笑)入門テストに受かりませんでした。うどん生地を伸ばすには、足踏みという過程があり、少なくとも80キロの体重が必要とか。

Shinji, a former student of my ESL school in Vancouver, Able English Studies, is now back in Japan. Since his return, he has opened his own restaurant ”Fujishin” . Upon tasting Shinji’s Udon noodles, the best I think that I have ever tasted, I wanted to become his student.(apprentice).

Unfortunately, I failed one of the entry criteria. I asked Shinji why I had missed the cut. He told me that I failed the “weight test”. One of the fundamental steps in successful noodle-making requires stepping on the dough to stretch it to the desired thickness. In order to achieve this goal, the noodle-maker should have a body weight of about 80 kg. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately!) I failed this criterion.



本格的なビジネス英会話・英語講師派遣・TOEIC対策の事なら西浦 美枝子が教える本場の英語にお任せください。

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