What a small world!
8月の東京セミナーが終わり会場を出ようとした時、出口に見覚えのある男性がに立っていました。Able卒業生のYukiじゃないかなと思いを巡らせていたら、彼の方から「なんか聞き覚えのある声だと思えばやっぱりMieko先生!」と声をかけてくれました。バンクーバー時代の生徒さんに東京でバッタリあうなんて! こんなこともあるんですね!
As I was leaving the venue after my regular Tokyo seminar, I noticed a fellow standing in the doorway. He looked familiar to me. It took me a couple of minutes to recognize him as a previous student, Yuki because we hadn’t seen each other for many years.
He told me that he heard a voice very familiar to him. “Hello Mieko “ he blurted out gleefully.
What a wonderful surprise! Bumping into a student from Vancouver in Tokyo is truly remarkable. What a small world!